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Station Corrections

Station corrections can be extract from previous runs to refine the localisation accuracy. The corrections can also help to improve the semblance find more events in a dataset.

Station Specific Corrections

Source specific delay statistic Statistics of station delay times.

StationCorrections Module


Path to rundir, to extract the station corrections from.

plot_corrections: False

Plot the station corrections statistics.

statistic: median | average

Arithmetic measure for the traveltime delays. Choose from median and average.

weighting: none | confidence | semblance | add-confidence-semblance | mul-confidence-semblance

Weighting of the traveltime delays. Choose from none, confidence, semblance, add-confidence-semblance and mul-confidence-semblance.

min_num_picks: 50

Minimum number of picks at a station required to calculate station corrections.

JSON for StationCorrections
  "corrections": "StationCorrections",
  "import_rundir": ".",
  "plot_corrections": false,
  "statistic": "median",
  "weighting": "mul-confidence-semblance",
  "min_num_picks": 50

Source Specific Corrections

Source specific corrections volume Delay volume for a selected stations.

SourceSpecificStationCorrections Module

Source specific station travel time corrections.


Path to rundir, to extract the station corrections from.

statistic: median | average

Arithmetic measure for the traveltime delays. Choose from median and average.

weighting: none | confidence | semblance | add-confidence-semblance | mul-confidence-semblance

Weighting of the traveltime delays. Choose from none, confidence, semblance, add-confidence-semblance and mul-confidence-semblance.

min_num_picks: -1

Minimum number of picks required for each node to calculate station corrections. -1 takes all stations.

octree_level: 0

The octree level to use for the station corrections.

delay_interpolation_method: nearest | linear | cubic

The interpolation method to use for interpolating delays between nodes.


Size of the LUT cache. Default is 2G.

JSON for SourceSpecificStationCorrections
  "corrections": "SourceSpecificStationCorrections",
  "import_rundir": ".",
  "statistic": "average",
  "weighting": "mul-confidence-semblance",
  "min_num_picks": -1,
  "octree_level": 0,
  "delay_interpolation_method": "linear",
  "lut_cache_size": 2147483648