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Welcome to Qseek 🔥

Qseek is an earthquake detection and localisation framework. It combines modern machine learning phase detection and robust migration and stacking techniques.

The detector is leveraging Pyrocko and SeisBench, it is highly-performant and can search massive data sets for seismic activity efficiently.


Marius Paul Isken, Peter Niemz, Jannes Münchmeyer, Sebastian Heimann, Simone Cesca, Torsten Dahm, Qseek: A data-driven Framework for Machine-Learning Earthquake Detection, Localization and Characterization, Seismica, 2024, submitted

Reykjanes detections

Seismic swarm activity at Iceland, Reykjanes Peninsula during a 2020 unrest. 15,000+ earthquakes detected, outlining a dike intrusion, preceeding the 2021 Fagradasfjall eruption. Visualized in Pyrocko Sparrow.


  • Earthquake phase detection using machine-learning pickers from SeisBench
  • Octree localisation approach for efficient and accurate search
  • Different velocity models:
    • Constant velocity
    • 1D Layered velocity model
    • 3D fast-marching velocity model (NonLinLoc compatible)
  • Extraction of earthquake event features:
    • Local magnitudes
    • Ground motion attributes
  • Automatic extraction of modelled and picked travel times
  • Calculation and application of station corrections / station delay times
  • Real-time analytics on streaming data (e.g. SeedLink)

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Build with

Pyrocko SeisBench GFZ